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Elite ACM Panel Installation Nationwide

Glaziers Consulting is a leading provider of Aluminum Composite Materials (or ACM) installation nationwide. ACMs are functional materials developed by ACM panel manufacturers for use in construction and architecture. Compared to other construction materials, Aluminum Composite Panels (ACP) offer several advantages, including durability, rigidness, flexibility, and lightweight. They are also easy to recycle for other projects. These characteristics make ACM panels the perfect choice for architects and builders.

How Do ACM Panels Work?

ACM panels comprise two layers of aluminum sheets with a core substance in between. In the past, the core materials used in composite panels were not fire-retardant, which posed a safety issue. However, ACM panel manufacturers have found and utilized fire-retardant substances to solve this problem. It is important to ensure that the core of the ACM panels is made from fire-retardant materials before installation. They are a safe and secure option for protecting your building’s exterior.

What is the ACM Installation Process Like?

The installation process of ACM panels varies depending on the client’s requirements. Contacting the ACM panel manufacturers for specific details is recommended when purchasing aluminum composite panels. The installation steps for ACM panels are as follows:

  • Measurement: Accurately measure the dimensions and size of the desired product.
  • Fabricate: After determining the size, the panels are fabricated accordingly. This involves cutting, folding, bending, and drilling the materials. Installing supporters and fasteners may also be done at this stage.
  • Waterproofing: To protect the structure, a weather barrier should be installed before the aluminum composite claddings are applied. This involves applying a primer to the framings and sealing the cladding materials.
  • Applying the Mounting System: A mounting system ensures the straight alignment of the ACM cladding panels. The panels are then installed in a fixed order, considering shaped areas and corners.
  • Installing ACM Panels: The ACM panels are installed on the mounting. The primary profiles (clips) are connected to the panels, and then the boards are screwed to the wall. A strip is often used to match and hide any gaps between the boards. Additional supporters like shims and clips may be used for leveling and attaching the cladding materials.

Proper Installation Methods for ACMs

For outdoor applications, ACM panels require specific installation methods. Weather resistance barriers should be installed due to wind loads. The direction of the panels should be fixed, and precautions should be taken to prevent damage and scratches. Planning the installation and installing certain sections before others, such as windows and doors, is essential. The protective films should be removed as each section’s installation is completed. Proper sealing of the ACM panels in the correct order is crucial to avoid water leakage during rainy weather.

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